Revised Project Proposal

This is the second of three assignments that, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant
to your selected project.
Assume that your project sponsor has reviewed the project proposal and has asked that you make some
changes to it. For the purposes of this assignment, consider your professor’s feedback to be your project
sponsor’s review comments.
Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:
Provide a brief summary of your project.
Update the goals and objectives based upon your project sponsor’s feedback, and add two more goals and
objectives. (Use your professor’s feedback to update your goals and objectives.)
Describe at least three key milestones and/or deliverables for your project.
Describe a high-level timeline that includes key tasks and deadlines.
Estimate the project’s overall cost and any key staffing and non-staffing resources needed.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards.

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