Using Memory in Applications and How Memory applies to Learning

These exercises involve the use of memory. There are two parts to this exercise.
Part 1: Using Memory when interacting (50 points)

  1. The first part is to select a complex application, website or physical device that you use at least occasionally. For example, you could choose
    • Complex video game that you played awhile ago but not recently
    • An office application that has a variety of complex capabilities (e.g., Excel) that you don’t use very often
    • Using a pressure cooker in a complex recipe
  2. Document the following:
  3. Identify the application, website, or physical device
  4. Select a complex function that you’ve used in the past, but not recently or frequently. Pick one that requires multiple steps.
  5. Write out the steps you take to perform this function and what you need to remember to perform each step
  6. Note what type of memory is needed to perform each step? Justify your selection.
    i. Short-term memory
    ii. Mezzanine memory
    iii. Long-term memory
  7. Identify places where there is high short-term memory load. Have you had problems when interrupted during these steps? Describe what you need to do to continue on.

Part 2: How Memory Relates to Understanding (25 points)
Does the quote by Michael Grove, shown below, suggest that he has a good grasp of the psychology of memory? Why or why not?

 Does the quote by Michael Grove (below) suggest that he has a good grasp of how human memory works?
• Write a paragraph describing why or why not.
• Provide examples that support your arguments.
 Michael Gove (Education Secretary) said:
“Memorization is a necessary precondition of understanding” …
“only when facts and concepts are committed securely to the working memory, so that it is no effort to recall them and no effort is required to work things out from first principles, do we really have a secure hold on knowledge.”

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