D​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ILLARD’S Little Rock, Ark

D​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ILLARD’S Little Rock, Ark. Company Information: Find out key details about your assigned company. What is your assigned company’s major line of business? What is your assigned company’s vision, mission, or core values? How many people does your assigned company employ? When was your assigned company founded? Is your assigned company global or does it only operate in the United States? List the countries or regions your assigned company operates in. Is your assigned company public or private? Who is your assigned company’s current CEO? How long have they been the CEO of your assigned company? Who are considered the top three competitors to your assigned company? What new developments is your assigned company involved in? For example, this could include any new products or services, expansion plans or an innovation. Who buys your assigned company’s products or services? Based on this, would you classify your assigned company as being B2B, B2C or a hybrid? What is your assigned company’s Fortune 500 rank (2019 or 2020 rank ok, depends on resource used)? Industry Information: Research the primary industry in which your assigned company competes. What is the primary industry your assigned company does business in? What are the major markets in the industry? What is the major market segmentation? What are some trends in the industry? What is the projected growth for the industry? How would you describe the outlook for the industry? Based on your research, what are potential opportunities for your assigned company in this industry? What are potential threats? News: Track current news regarding your assigned company and/or industry. Find a recent article (published in 2017–2020) about your company or industry that discusses trends, innovations or MGMT 301 class topics. Summarize the article in your own words (a few sentences). Core Benefit Proposition: Given your analysis, can you identify the core reason a consumer or business would give your assigned company their money instead of another company in this industry? What is your assigned company’s competitive advantage over other companies?

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