speech and hearing

  1. Identify two factors that affect the frequency of vibration and describe the way in which each factor affects frequency.
  2. Elasticityis the restoring force that causes air particles to bounce back when displaced. ___________________ is the force which permits an air particle to move beyond its theoretical “resting” position during vibration.
  3. An amplitude spectrum displays ___________ information as a function of _____________. The amplitude spectrum of a complex periodic waveform is called a(n) _________________. The amplitude spectrum of an aperiodic complex waveform is called a(n) ______________________.
  4. The time it takes for a complex quasi-periodicwaveform to complete one cycle of vibration is called ___________________.
  5. Two 120 Hz sinusoidal waves, having peak-to-peak amplitudes of 0.0008 dynes/cm2and .0004 dynes/cm2are shifted in time by one-half period. These two waves are said to be _ degrees out-of-phase. Describe the waveform that would result if these two sound waves were added together:

TYPE OF WAVEFORM ___________________

FREQUENCY ___________________

PEAK AMPLITUDE ___________________

  1. According to the Acoustic Transmission Line resonance model, the vocal tract can be modeled after a uniform tube which is closed at the _ end and open at the . This system is known as a(n) ____ resonator. It can only be applied to the resonance characteristics of one American English vowel: _.
  2. During vowel production, the cross-sectional area of the vocal tract is determined by: __________________; __________________ and __________________.
  3. Using the Double Helmholtz Resonatormodel, explain why, among American English vowels, F1 and F2 are maximally divergent for the vowel /i/.

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