Academic literature

What does academic literature suggest are the best ways of assessing and
improving employees’ performance?
Please structure the answer in this way:

  1. Introduction:
    This should be a brief paragraph of a couple of sentences-no more, which introduces the topic and highlights
    what you will be discussing. Please do keep this section brief, as you will need the majority of your word count
    for your main body of work. Do include some definitions from the literature of key terms here, as this could be
    really useful
  2. Main body of work/analysis:
    using relevant literature and employing critical analysis throughout.
    In this section please make sure that:
    a. You are answering the question and not going off-topic
    b. You are using relevant academic/practitioner literature and relevant, recent research throughout to justify
    your arguments
    c. You are employing critical analysis throughout-this means you are not just describing
    theories/frameworks/approaches/models and arguments; what is important is to be able to compare and
    contrast arguments in the literature, considering if theories/frameworks/models/paradigms/research etc are
    valid and realistic, drawing on evidence and relevant literature to justify your arguments and ideas, weighing up
    different or opposing arguments and/or synthesising different arguments in the literature to support your ideas
    and develop well-reasoned arguments of your own.
  3. Conclusion:
    The conclusion should be brief and concise: in this section, please draw together summarise the main
    arguments of your analysis and conclude with a finishing remark that clearly answers the question and
    summarises your approach to this. While the conclusion should be brief, pay proper attention to this section; it
    is extremely important as it brings together the main points of your analysis.
    The answer should consist of
    study, identify and describe the main characteristics in-depth.
    make a judgement on the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments for and against something
    state your views on something, supporting them with evidence and/or explanations emphasise similarities but
    don’t forget to mention differences
    emphasise the difference, but don’t forget to mention the similarities
    Criticise – make a judgement about the merit of the statement
    Be specific and give the results of your scrutiny
    outline the main features in an ordered way
    weigh up both sides and make a judgement
    **((The answer count should be exactly 1000

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