Essay Analysis

You have completed EH 1010! In as much as reflection is a genre, it is also an action—one of the most
important actions of the writing process. Writing a reflection does not mean that you focus on what you would
have changed or what you may have failed at doing; instead, a reflection should be a holistic assessment of an
experience so that you can apply those lessons to the next experience.
You have written three essays for this course. Please reflect upon your experience in EH 1010 by addressing
the following questions. You do not have to address all of them or address them in order.
What was your most successful essay in this course? You may want to judge that based upon your instructor’s
assessment, but it would be more beneficial for you to base this upon what you feel is your best work. What
was it that made this essay so successful for you?
What kinds of elements do you consider when thinking about what makes a successful essay? After listing
some of those attributes, how does your “most successful” essay match up with these elements? In what ways
does it fall short?
What did you consider to be your least successful essay? Why do you think that it was not successful?
What would you have done differently when writing that least successful essay? In thinking about what you
would have changed, did you really have the opportunity to make that change at the time? Why, or why not?
What have you learned about the writing process? What is your writing process? How has the emergence or,
at least, definition of that process changed how you write, if at all?
What was your favorite thing that we did in the course? Why? What was the least appealing thing we did in the
course? Why?
Your response should be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

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