Leadership challenge

————————– Explain your background: c10% [200 words] Highlight the key events from your own exposure to leadership prior to undertaking the course: specifically what leaders you have observed, leadership roles you have had (no matter how big or small); how does this inform how you understood leadership before the course? What is your starting point – did you regard yourself as a leader and why (or why not)? Briefly reflect on yourself as a leader and/or follower: my strengths and weaknesses as a leader/follower are… The things I have done well are… Things I have struggled with are… —————————————————————- Use relevant Leadership Theory to reflect on your experience during the leadership challenge: c65% [1300 words] Briefly reflect on how, having undertaken the course, you now understand leadership (and followership) and whether and why that has changed from your prior thoughts (duly referencing any claims made). This should take no more than 100 words. Apply leadership theory you encountered on the course (including preparation work), duly referenced, as a lens through which to understand your experience undertaking the Everest simulation. How does that help you understand what occurred? Critically evaluate both the leadership/followership that you observ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ed (including your own) and the theory you use – what is good about it, where is it incomplete or inadequate in light of your experience? NOTE: avoid using too many theories and engaging in a superficial analysis. Rather apply 2 (or at most 3) theories (and their associated models) in some detail. Go beyond the title of the theory; rather use the specific concepts that make up the theory/model to explain and inform your analysis. Include a diagram if that helps you show the theoretical model employed. Always give examples from your experience, and feedback received from others on the course, including members of your group, to support your analysis. ————————————————————————————- My development plan: c20% [400 words] Informed by your reflections, give a brief overview of the things you want to do develop your leadership experience and learning and why. Be specific – what will you do, when, how and how will you get feedback? I will focus on the following… The help I need is the following… The actions I will take are the following… REFERENCES Insert references used here following the University of XXXX approved referencing method in the 1300 words, we need to make sure that : when you are writing about the Mount Everest simulation you need to explain what happened during climbing as we were five climbers first is the Leader, Physician,Photographer Marathoner and Environmentalist every one has a job during climbing we need to write and explain each climber motion and what he did during climbing and apply two or three theories from the nine theories and use the two or three models and appl​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​y that on our paper

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