Dr. Robert Redfield, Center for Disease Control and Prevention

"How has the coronavirus pandemic affected the way that you communicate?"" This assignment should be uploaded to the ""Term Paper"" dropbox in the Learning Modules section of Blackboard.

Write a minimum 1-page, 250 word, double spaced essay on how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the way that you communicate. How are you now communicating with your family, friends, co-workers, etc.? What has changed? Please attach as a Microsoft Word Document (.doc). Below are guidelines for the formatting of the essay.

Summarize the different polypharmacy definitions found within the literature.      (WO1.5) (CO1)  
Discuss polypharmacy risk factors (WO1.5) (CO1)   
Explain  the actions steps for polypharmacy prevention (WO1.5) (CO1,      7)     
Provide an example of how your clinical preceptors have addressed polypharmacy.  

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