What is Love?

Alain Badiou argues that love constructs “a world from a decentered point of view”; its structure is that of a “paradox of identical difference” (25). Provide a complete and succinct definition of love according to Alain Badiou and apply this definition to In the Lake of the Woods. John Wade’s mad love for Kathy is exemplified by the two snakes trapped in an infinite circle: 1+1=0. Investigate the nature of love in Tim O’Brien’s In the Lake of the Woods. Is John and Kathy’s love a healthy equitable love, or is it a coping mechanism, especially for John? How does this love echo that of John’s for his problematic father? What does Kathy’s sister think about it? What about John’s campaign manager’s love for Kathy? How is it similar/different? What about John’s search for love in the bosom of the public, arguably one of the main reasons he is running for office? And how is John’s love for Cathy/his father/his constituents related to his My Lai trauma?

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