Comprehension with Stanley Greenspan and Lindamood-Bell/Autism

rom Emotion to Comprehension with Stanley Greenspan and Lindamood-Bell/Autism
This video about the relationship between emotions and comprehension features Eric, a child who has been diagnosed with autism and can read words but can’t comprehend. A strategy called “floor time” is being used to increase Eric’s ability to engage emotionally. Brain research and observation display the effects of this intervention.  Anthony, another child with autism, is being taught to use imagery to help improve comprehension.
Watch video below and response to questions

a. What are your thoughts about Dr. Pressley’s comment, “If you just learn to read the words, you will automatically learn how to comprehend.”
b. How are emotion and comprehension related?
c. What techniques are used with the children in the video to promote emotional connections?
d. What implications does this video have for other struggling readers
Question 2.    Dr. Timothy Shanahan Explains ‘Close Reading’
In your textbook pages 304-305, focuses on the importance of closed Reading. Students are required to “Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text”.  Highlight the words “read closely” and watch the video’Close Reading’ Exto determine why this standard is relevant to close reading and to determine some traits of close reading.
After reading chapter 10 and watching the video.
a. What traits are associated with close reading?
b. What is the goal of close reading?
c. Explain the four strategies and traits to scaffold during close reading.
d. What then will you say is the difference between guided reading and close reading?

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