Reading response

Response Papers are short (one-to two-page) responses to the texts and topics. In these papers, I want you to
explore one clear interpretive idea about one text that we’ve read so far this term, quoting from the text at hand
to strengthen your main claim about that idea. In other words, you’re making an interpretive argument about the
text you’ve chosen. These papers may not be simple summaries or “book reports” about the texts we read;
they must present an interpretive claim. You can use online sources with citations and quotes. OPTIONS
FROM READINGS GIVEN ARE(only chose one) King Lear, Sir Thomas Wyatt’s poems, “They flee from me”,
Sidney’s sonnets from Astrophil & Stella: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 and the following sonnets by Shakespeare: 15, 19, 20,
106, 107, 116, 129, 130, 135. ALSO can choose from the links below…
General Prologue: (Links to an
external site.) (Read the first few pages of this website to get a sense for what’s going on. Then make sure to
read the introductions to the Miller and the Wife of Bath, which are pages 14 and 12.)
The Miller’s Tale: (Links to an external site.)
The Wife of Bath’s Tale:

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