Dominant leadership orientation

Understanding and challenging our habitual ways of thinking allows us to expand our intellectual domain, bridge diversity, and improve communication. Bolman and Deal (2016) provides a framework to consider a situation or opportunity from the perspectives of four frames: structural, relational, political, and symbolic. Integrating all four frames enables us to navigate the complexities of organizations and offer novel pathways for improving them.

The the core learning objective for Assignment 1 is to challenge you to become more self-aware and reflective; to identify your dominant leadership orientation with respect to the four frames; explore the value of considering the other three frames; and inquire into the role of the presence or mindful awareness and vehicle for integrating these frames into our way of being. The value of this assignment is very practical and helpful to you as part of a team, a broader organization and all facets of your life.

Please read the instructions carefully as it is a two-part assignment.

Part 1: 750 words max, APA format

Read Bolman, Lee G., and Terrence E. Deal (2017). Reframing Organizations : Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017. (Part 1) Retrieved from Ebook Central e-book database*.

Reflecting on the four frames and consider what your dominant frame might be.

Complete the free Frames Quick Self-Rating Scale

Frames Self-Rating Scale

to identify your dominant leadership orientation (Bolman and Deal Assessment). Allocate about 10 minutes for this assessment. Attach the assessment results to your paper.

Part 1:

Reflect on the results to inform your report. Identify your most to least dominant frames, using the percentile rankings rather than the raw scores.

· If you look back on your earliest recollections, what are some pivotal experiences that may have shaped the beliefs and values attached to your dominant frame?

· Think of one or more experienced when you felt your dominant frame was in balance? What was your inner experience – thoughts, emotions, sensations? What were the conditions of the outer environment that helped bring you into balance?

· Think of one or more experienced when you felt your dominant frame was out of balance? What are some of the circumstances that tend to have you fall out of balance? What’re the dominant beliefs/assumptions are operating when you fall out of balance?

· What helps you regain balance?

Part 2:

Identify an entrepreneurial challenge or opportunity you are currently facing or have faced in the past. Make sure the situation you identify lends itself enough context and complexity to sustain various course exercises and concepts. Please ensure that this has passion and energy for you so that the time spent in articulating this assignment and your final capstone assignment will be time well spent.

Leveraging your reflection from Part 1, discuss what issues or opportunities are appearing from a) your dominant frame and b) the other three frames?
Discuss additional possibilities surfacing in this scenario that you may now want to consider? Consider the interdependence of the frames.

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