Lincoln-Douglas debates

  1. Based on the text of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, what was the position of the Republican Party in 1858?
    Was the Republican Party an abolitionist party? Why or why not? If you were a pro-slavery advocate, how
    would you feel about the platform of the newly formed Republican Party? 12 points
  2. Does the history of the cotton kingdom support or undermine the Jeffersonian vision of white farmers on selfsufficient farms? Explain your answer. 10 points
  3. What roles did women and African Americans play in the American Civil War? Cite at least two specific
    examples for each group (2 women, 2 African Americans) to support your answer. 20 points
  4. John Brown is often described as a terrorist. Do you agree with this description? Why or why not? What
    attributes might make him fit this profile? 10 points
  5. What did the antebellum communal projects have in common? How did the ones most influenced by religion
    differ from those that had other influences? Use a specific example to support your argument. 12 points
  6. Could the differences between the North and South have been worked out in late 1860 and 1861? Could
    war have been avoided? Provide evidence to support your answer. 10 points
  7. In what ways were antebellum feminists radical? In what ways were they traditional? Explain some of the
    root problems within the movement that will eventually cause long term problems. 15 points

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