Analyzing global culture

Cultural Menu Project (Individual Project)
• Part 1: Menu items and Menu Description & Menu analysis (50 points)
From this project, you will independently choose a different global culture/cuisine to research and summarize.
After your research, your will develop menus including two courses. You can structure your menu as an entrée
and dessert, OR alternatively as an appetizer and entrée. Include copy of your menus and recipes from
professional cookbooks or similar sources. Additionally, you are required to analyze a culturally appropriate
menu in your writing including 1) flavor,2) textures, 3) colors, 4) temperatures.

  1. Report the menus (entrée and dessert OR appetizer and entrée) with origin (e.g., Korean: Kimbap)
  2. Include some pictures for the above menu items (provide the reference for this information resource)
  3. Analyze the menu including flavor, texture, colors, and temperatures (at least 200 words respectively)

    1st menu
    Recipe: _________ (40 servings) Cost per portion:
    Part 2: Financials (150 points): Standardized recipes and recipe costing (for 40 servings)
    are required for two menus respectively.
    1) Report the recipes for two menu items along with serving size in the recipes you found. (Provide the
    references for this information resource)
    2) Complete the table (to cost the recipe for 40 servings for two menu items respectively)

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