Analysis of Issues in American Federalism

A) Address any one of the 8 Chapters in the Zadek book. Focus on one of the chapters assigned in “Power to the States: How Federalism 2.0 Can Make America Governable Again.” You can agree or disagree with any of the points asserted in the book. Again, I’d like you to be assertive in your writing but also be professional. Do not dismiss points you disagree with but refute them with quality arguments, facts, and sources. Do not mis-represent arguments that are made.

Also, do NOT use long quotations even though you are discussing the book. You can merely represent the authors’ arguments in your own words.

B) Voting Rights. Here, you have a lot of possibilities to discuss any issues involving voting rights. Please see the reading posted on UB Learns. You can discuss your view of the Constitutionality of HR1 / S1 that outline national standards for states to adopt in voting laws. Or you can address specific pieces of legislation passed by states like the law in Georgia. Whichever your preference, again please be assertive in your analysis but be professional. Avoid stating opinions as fact and try to not be hyperbolic.

C) Pick Your Own Topic. Choose a topic of your own. If you choose this option, your topic must be approved by me. Please email me if you intend to choose your own topic. We can agree upon the specifics either through email or over the phone.

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