Risk Register


You have been tasked by your supervisor to assess the risk of a web server that the organization heavily relies upon for business operations. The system uses the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system, is not monitored by any security controls and is not part of any vulnerability management program, scanning or patch management. Your objective is to identify the top 7 risks to the subject server from your perspective. You may use any qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative analysis or assessment technique you like. Research as necessary and include sources on a separate page. Note: this is a fairly subjective assignment but must be based on your research.

Using Microsoft Excel, create a risk register. Be sure to include: risk index, risk categories, risk titles, risk descriptions, probability, impact, risk rank, the risk owner, a risk response plan, and the method you used to determine each risk. The format is entirely up to you. Please make it readable and professional-looking.

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