Annual Population Growth Rate

Using the World Bank “Annual Population Growth Rate” excel file

1. Determine the 1969 and 2018 percent annual growth rate for at least 10 countries. Make sure that the countries are from both developing and industrialized nations.

Annual Population Growth Rate = (BR – DR)/1000 * 100

conduct calculation b. Data Sort —-> Sort By Percent Annual Population Growth —> Low to High or vise versa (will need to sort separately for each year)

2. Discuss how the annual growth rate changed for the developing countries compared to the industrialized countries. How were they different? Did any of these countries have similar “annual growth rates” in 1969?

3. What was the total “world annual population growth rate” for 1969 and 2018?

4. Did any of your countries that you choose have a zero or negative population growth rate? If so, please discuss what factors might have led to a stable or zero population growth rate for those countries?

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