Evaluating and Sustaining Organization Change.



Warner was one of the key consultants brought in to transform British Airways back in 1984-85 from publiclyheld to privately-held, from the least-favored carrier across the Atlantic to the World’s Favourite Airline and from
hemorrhaging money to being the World’s Most Profitable Airline. My consulting firm (Vector Group, Inc.) was
founded in the UK by several of the consultants working on that massive organizational transformation.
When I first became a change management and organization development management consultant over 30
years ago, I’ve used Warner Burke’s work in my development. I taught graduate school at another university
and I used his book, Organization Change: Theory & Practice, 5th Edition, 2018 as the textbook for a class on
Evaluating and Sustaining Organization Change.
Please take a look at this video and share what you might have learned in 175 words minimum.

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