Women in prison




Prepare a two-page (TYPED) summary of an article selected from an academic journal. Examples of academic journals include Justice Quarterly, Criminology, and Crime and Delinquency. THE ARTICLE SHOULD NOT BE MORE THAN THREE YEARS OLD. Articles from magazines, newspapers, Corrections Today, Lexis-Nexis or the internet are not appropriate for this assignment. The article must be on one of the following topics:

Women in prison
Prison programs
Shock Incarceration
Violence in prison
Prison discipline

Supermaxes (this is the one i am choosing)

Sex Offenders

Intermediate Sanctions

Your summary should address the following areas:

1. Purpose of the study
2. Methods used to conduct the research
3. Results of the study
4. The conclusion reached by the author

How to find articles

1. go the library’s page, https://library.buffalostate.edu/home
2. highlight “Find”
3. choose “databases a-z”
4. click on the letter “S” (Sage)
5. click on Sage Humanities & Social Sciences





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