BIPOC and Criminal Justice

1 ) Identify and advocate for a policy proposal to improve the criminal justice system. Define “policy” broadly here – for instance, a decision to contract with private providers for provision of incarceration services is a policy. In order to do this, you will need to identify your desired outcome – for instance, is your desired outcome reduction in crime / recidivism? Is your desired outcome improved treatment of suspects and detainees? Is it better relationships between law enforcement officers and communities? Select the outcome you’d like to focus on. Identify something that you think poses a barrier to that outcome, and offer a policy proposal to address that barrier.

2) The visibility of inappropriate use of force against BIPOC by law enforcement personnel created by ready availability of recordings has raised awareness of the frequency and severity of these incidents. Accordingly, increased attention has been drawn attention to the Black Lives Matter movement. Craft a discussion using one of the following three question prompts:

a. Discuss your reactions to some of what you have heard, seen, and read and your ideas about how policy can be used to create safer communities that promote diversity, inclusion, and opportunity in the future.

b. (Alternative, you only need to answer one) Describe your thoughts about the topic of reparations prior to reading the article by Ta-Nehisi Coates and after reading the article. How do you think that passing the bill for which Coates advocates would change race relations in the U.S.? How, and why? Do you have other ideas about how to advance the aims that Coates discusses in his article?

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