Discrimination Claims

Most people are under the mistaken belief that if their employer unfairly treats them, then all they have to do is hire an attorney to file a lawsuit. Discrimination claims may be filed, not in court, but directly to governmental agencies.
Your task is to identify how discrimination claims (charges) are filed both at the state and federal government websites that handle workplace discrimination issues.
After visiting the two websites under Resources below, please answer the following questions and submit your responses.
For charges filed with the NC Department of Labor:
1. What state office enforces and handles discrimination?
2. What state law covers workplace discrimination?
3. How and in what time frame are discrimination claims filed?
4. What happens to the claim after it has been filed?
5. If an injunction is ordered, what does that mean?
For charges filed with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:
1. How are discrimination charges filed?
2. Where is your nearest local EEOC field office?
3. Aside from discrimination charges under the Equal Pay Act, in what time frame must charges be filed?


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