Per-Case Payments

Standard costing concepts can also be applied to services. Standard service costs are similar in concept to
standard product costs. In the medical field, costs of caring for a patient have been increasing at a high rate for
many years. Hospitals, for example, have often been paid on a retrospective basis. Essentially, they have been
able to recover (from Medicare or their insurers) most of what they spent in treating a patient. Hospitals have
thus had very little incentive to control costs. Some argue that retrospective payments encourage hospitals to
acquire new and expensive technology and to offer more and more complex procedures. Prospective
payments have emerged as an alternative to retrospective payments. Recently, a new type of prospective
payment has emerged known as “per-case payment.”
Conduct an internet search on per-case payments, and discuss the following:
1. Explain the following: “Per-case payment can become a viable payment scheme only if the hospital’s case
mix can be properly measured.” Make sure to support your explanation with evidence.
2.. Describe how the per-case payment approaches are forms of standard costing discussed in this chapter


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