Becoming the Label


Compose a 1-2 page fictitious story about an adolescent. You are free to be creative when composing this
Suppose that you know the adolescent that is ‘perfect’ i.e. no behavioral issues, does well in school, and does
not cause problems for their care takers/parent(s)/guardian(s). You watch this adolescent progress from being
initially stigmatized to engaging in secondary deviance.
When writing the story, include the following terms and concepts to illustrate your understanding of them:
1. Stigmatize
2. The source of the label
3. Reflected appraisal
4. Secondary deviance
Consult your textbook readings to learn, and understand, these terms and concepts.
You are required to include the term or concept in the story. For example:
Ben was a ‘square’ and always followed the rules; he was a ‘people-pleaser’. During his sophomore year of
high school, he made friends with a new student named Butch. Butch was into death-metal music and liked
how it shocked the public, so Butch exclusively wore death-metal shirts that had ‘shocking’ symbols on themprimarily pentagrams. Ben then learned about, and enjoyed, death metal music so he bought a band shirt that
had a pentagram on it. Soon thereafter, his classmates started calling him a ‘Satanist’ (stigmatize; the source of
the label). In fact, his homeroom teacher called him to the side and as

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