Sustainability in Healthcare Organization


Health care leaders must embrace a lifestyle of change in order to create the culture of a learning organization that is amenable to and supportive of innovation, adaptation, and change. Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory can be used to create a significant conceptual framework for change. In this assignment, you will describe how health care leaders can use Rogers’ theory to create the culture of a learning organization.
Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that describes how Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory can be applied to a health care organization to create within it the culture of a learning organization. Include the following in your paper:
1.An overview of Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory.
2.A discussion of one other theory that could be used to guide an organization toward becoming a learning organization.
3.A description of the characteristics and attitudes required for a health care organization to be considered a learning organization. What attitude should a learning organization take toward change?
4.A discussion of which of the two theories discussed above may best guide the creation of the culture of a learning organization in a health care organization.


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