The yellow wall paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman




Short Stories
1.Rosilily by Alice Walker
2.The yellow wall paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
3.Story of an hour by Kate Chopin

– Firstly fill out the graph on the document attached.
-Secondly answer part 1-3.
Part 2: answer it using “literary techniques” and quotes from the text. in 2 paragraphs one for each short story.

Part 3: (most important)
Q1: Part 1-2: look at “Roseliliy” & ”Story of an hour” analyze the extract and address the extract separately so like paraghrah 1.., paragraph 2…. Make sure to answer to explain how language is used to present ideas about a character or a theme.

Q2: choose a theme that apply to “Rosellily” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Include literary techniques and if has a metaphor explain why its a metaphor.


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