Importance of knowing yourself through Smarter Measure



Part 1: Discussion Replies
REPLY 1: Bryan Neely
* My family, much like the rest of the civilized universe, has at some point heard of, visited, or possibly even utilized the services provided by Amazon. We also use the services associated with Amazon such as Audible and Amazon Music. Sure Amazon uses your purchase history to create recommendations for future purchases, but I find it quite amusing that it does the same thing with your browsing. My wife is notorious for using the “safe for later” button, or she’ll put in the cart and forget about it for a few days. [I’d be remiss if I didn’t take some responsibility there as well – I’m just as guilty]. However, I end up with recommendations that pop up on my internet browser feeds pushing those items or items I may be interested in. When I look at the concept of how this improves its interaction with me I really have to step back and think about it. Generally my buying mentality is research multiple places for the item I’m looking for. I search for the specs I believe I need/want and then I compare availability and price. While I continue to search for the best deals Amazon keeps in the loop about moving prices and alternate items. I find this interaction to be useful and helpful.

REPLY 2: Michael Mitchell
have many interactions every day with companies that track my purchases so that they can market to me with ads, coupons, suggestions for other goods, etc. I have cards with Lowe’s, Home Depot, Fred Meyer, and Safeway. As a result of using those and making timely payments when applicable, my credit limit is magically raised and I receive emails and online offers that center around my interests (based on prior purchases), and on the popular seasonal items that would surely make me happy if I purchased them.

The online site that I use the most is Travelocity. I use it once or twice a year to book a flight and hotel for a getaway with my wife, or to visit one of the kids that live half way across the country. I also use it to find and book motels that are close enough to drive to when a quick getaway is needed, or just to rent a car for a specific trip. I needed to make a trip to Montana last winter, so I rented an all-wheel drive SUV that would be more appropriate for winter travel than my little two-wheel drive pickup.

No matter what I am booking, flight and hotel, hotel only, or car only, the site asks additional questions about other reservations they could help me with right on the spot. If I don’t specify any and I leave the site, I will receive follow-up emails informing me about special offers on the items that I didn’t book. They also save history of my searches so that they can entice me with good offers in the future. While I’m sure this can be irritating to some people, I actually enjoy getting the chance to at least consider something that maybe wasn’t really on my mind at the time.

It’s worth mentioning the massive amount of data that Travelocity accesses, and the contracts it makes with airlines, hotels, and other companies. This helps to make one-stop shopping available while taking advantage of discounts they can negotiate in our behalf due to their incredible size. Using just hotels as a small example, in response to a question on (5 years ago) it states “Expedia, Travelocity, et al tap into several hotel management systems that maintain inventory and they also have their own internal systems when dealing directly with the hotel.”

All of this gels together in ways to improve my interaction with Travelocity, and keeps me loyally returning to their site when I consider new travel adventures.


Part 2: Initial Discussion MUST WATCH VIDEO:
1. How does knowing more about yourself, through an assessment like SmarterMeasure, enable you to find the “right” resources to draw upon? Now, provide an example of a time when you talked yourself out of using a resource or asking for help. What caused that internal conversation to occur, or what made you hesitate? How might you overcome that hesitation in the future?
2. As you look at your available resources, what is one SNHU resource/amenity that you can draw upon to help you intentionally reach your goals? What is a resource outside of SNHU that will assist you as well? Explain why you chose these resources and how they will help you achieve intentional success.


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