The various ways to expand definition





Determine when audience and purpose indicate the need for definition Differentiate between parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions
. Identify the various ways to expand definition
W 116 Definition Paper Peer Review Sheet:

Writer ____________________ Evaluator ____________________

1. What term or concept is the author defining?

1. State the main idea (thesis) of the essay:

1. Is the concept new and unfamiliar, or do you know it pretty well?

1. Is the author showing a new approach to a familiar thing?

1. Do you find the essay easy to read? Be honest. Point to specific places in the essay that could be improved to make the paper more exciting.

6. Which body paragraphs require more (or more interesting) support?

7. On a scale on one to ten with ten being the highest, how interesting (entertaining) do you find this paper?

8. Do you find the organization effective? Can the order of the paragraphs be changed to make the paper more interesting?

9. How many transitional devices did you find in the paper: Give examples.

a) Transitional words and phrases –
b) Transitional sentences –
c) Synonyms –
d) Pronouns –
e) Repeated words –

10. What is one thing you recommend the author should do to improve the paper?





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