Legal Forms of Business

As Chief Executive Officer (CEO), you are going to take the lead in preparing the plan to kick start the restaurant operation. Sally has developed the minimum format guidelines to assemble the required information to build the Business Plan.

Research: How to Write a Business Plan (SBA) (Links to an external site.).

For a review of Legal Forms of Business, view the MGMT 390 Entity Comparison (PDF).

Citations and references must be in the current Writing Style Guide format.

Mandatory Components


Present and describe the items you will use to address the concerns of your business plan.
Set the stage for the framework that will become your business plan.
Type of business (product or service)
Describe the business, the product or services, location (Florida), and any other facts you want to report.
Legal Form of Business

Pick the appropriate form of business except for a sole proprietorship. (The company form may change depending on future events).
Consider the costs associated with the chosen business form.
Explain why you have selected this form of business from a tax, company, and personal liability perspective.
Indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this legal form.
Specify types of officers and duties that will be involved in the company’s management.
Using the business’s location, review all state and federal requirements for starting a business.
Using any new information or previously provided information, write a brief outline mapping the required steps required to qualify.

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