CASE STUDY on Smith & Rosalie Zenth.


Explain the similarities and differences between M.O. and signature. Based on your examination do you believe this is the work of the same person?
* Victimology – explain the risk factor of each.
* Are there commonalities?
* Why are these victims being chosen?
* Using Google Maps or other mapping software chart the different mapping characteristics (miles/site relationships etc.).
* Use google maps to get street views etc. to assist in reconstruction of the crime.
* What type of killer(s) is responsible?
* Go through the organized/controlled vs disorganized uncontrolled killer/scene list.
* Are the scenes more controlled or uncontrolled.
* Is there commonality in the scenes using this dichotomy?
* What does the evidence tell you? Reconstruct the crimes. Talk about the evidence that informed your decision.


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