Responsible Assessment


What Are Responsible Assessment Practices? And How Do They Support Healthy Development and Positive Learning Outcomes for Young Children and Their Families?
Early childhood educators, as well as all other educators, are asked every day to make decisions that come, in one way or another, from assessment. All of these decisions will affect a child’s learning outcomes. In a world where abuse of assessment and charges of misuse run rampant, what exactly are responsible assessment practices, and what do they mean to an early childhood educator?
This Discussion examines responsible assessment and the NAEYC’s position on what constitutes good practice. You will examine your own practice and select assessments that are appropriate for use in the learning environment. You will determine the best uses for these assessments and explain how they should be used and what data they will provide. Selecting the proper assessment instrument is crucial to supporting healthy development and positive learning outcomes in young children.



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