Real life application: diagnostic scenarios


Scenario 1: Angie woke up Saturday morning in the mood for donuts. She decided to treat herself to Krispy Kreme after having worked hard all week. As she drove to the restaurant, she thought about what kind of donut she would have… would it be cream filled, jelly donut, coconut covered or blueberry cake? Once she arrived, she couldn’t make a decision about which kind of donut to choose. She decided to order a dozen, consisting of all of her favorites. After all, she could eat some of them tomorrow morning and perhaps the next morning as well. Once she got the donuts home, she couldn’t decide which to eat. So, she ate the coconut covered, then the cream filled. She then decided to eat the jelly filled as well. After a while she had eaten the entire box of donuts. Although she enjoyed eating all of the donuts, she felt sick afterwards and not just sick at her stomach. She knew she shouldn’t have eaten a dozen donuts by herself. She had extreme guilt and was disgusted with herself because she knew that this was not the first time. No, this happens often. Whenever it happens, she tells herself that this will be the last time. But, it never is. Angie may very well be dealing with an eating disorder. Develop a hypothesis about th​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​e specific eating disorder Angie may be suffering from and describe the characteristics of that disorder. In what way might Angie’s behaviors meet the criteria for the disorder chosen? Use details from the scenario to support your answer. What would need to be assessed further before diagnosing Angie with this disorder? Scenario 2: Usually people have a positive first impression of Trevor. He is attractive, well dressed and charming. But, people who know Trevor well know otherwise. When Trevor was 14, he was caught many times vandalizing property, bullying other boys, and arrested twice for shoplifting. He always thought that people were making a bigger deal out of his behavior than was necessary. Now as an adult with a family, he has been unable to keep a job for more than a few months. His wife keeps the finances as she knows that he is irresponsible with money. Trevor may very well be dealing with a personality disorder. Develop a hypothesis about a specific personality disorder Trevor might be suffering from, and describe the characteristics of that disorder. In what way might Trevor’s behaviors meet the criteria for the disorder chosen? Use details from the scenario to support your answer. What would need to be assessed further before diagnosing Trevor with this ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​disorder?

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