Health Information Technology RFP




Adopting an information technology system (e.g. EHR/EMR, CPOE, telemedicine/telehealth, e-Mars system, etc.)
within a healthcare organization requires significant planning and strategizing prior to deployment. Often times,
healthcare organizations create a request for proposal (RFP), which outlines various requirements, services, and
other customized functions and present to different vendors to explore an array of systems that may meet the
needs of the organization.
The goal of this project is to ensure that each student understands the system acquisition process. Each student
will conduct research, develop, and distribute an RFP for the deployment of an information technology system
(ITS) to vendors. You may locate a RFP template from Google and customize to your liking.
At a minimum, the RFP must include the following information (refer to Chapter 5, pg 155):
PART A –Due Week Three (3) on Day Seven (7)
Identify project steering committee members
Define project goals & objectives
Summary of market analysis (choose a minimum of five vendors)
Specific instructions for vendors (submission instructions, timeline, etc.)
Background of the organization
System goals and requirements
PART B – Due Week Four (4) on Day Seven (7)
Vendor qualifications
Proposed Solutions
Criteria for evaluating proposals (financial stability, guarantee of work, references, etc.)
General contractual requirements
System implementation and support requirements
Part C- Due Week Five (5) on Day Seven (7)
Projected pricing and support
Site Visits (if applicable)
Sample vendor evaluation tool
Discussion of a cost-benefit analysis of each proposed ITS
Summary Report and recommendations
Written Paper
The final written project will serve as the final exam. Be sure that the final written document consists of any
recommended changes made by the professor for sections A & B, which are due in Weeks Three (3) and Four
The sample vendor evaluation tool and figure for the cost-benefit analysis should be in the appendix.
The discussion regarding the cost benefit analysis should be in the main body of the final paper.
Final recommendations of the project should consist of a summary of the projected number of vendors who
“hypothetically” replied to the proposed RFP and your rationale for selecting a specific vendor.
You will be required to follow the guidelines below when submitting your final paper:
Typed in Microsoft Word, double space, one-inch margins, 12 pt. font size, Times New Roman or Arial font type.
10-15 pages; the body of the paper must be a minimum of 5 pages; the title page, table of contents, abstract,
appendices, and reference list are supplementary to make a total of 10-15 pages.
Comply with APA 7th edition citing and formatting guidelines
Include a minimum of four references from peer-reviewed journals and/or reputable websites (e.g. governmental
agencies, vendor official websites, etc.). Not all four (4) references can be websites. There must be at least two
(2) references from peer-reviewed journals.

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