How great works are produced.

Think about how great works are produced. As an example, imagine the studio of the great Italian Renaissance artist, Michelangelo Buonarroti, as he begins work on a sculpture. In the center of the studio is a huge block of pristine Carrara marble. Michelangelo positions his chisel and hits it with his hammer. Chips of stone break off and fall to the ground. Each day, for many days and months, chunks of expensive marble fall to the floor as his masterpiece slowly emerges.
Though you are not sending chunks of expensive Carrera marble to the floor, the capstone editing process may make you feel that you are sacrificing excellent material. Like Michelangelo, your task is to remove unnecessary material. Your goal is to narrow the problem so that it is current, meaningful, grounded, and original.
To prepare:
Go to the Walden Library and retrieve this dissertation:

Lyle, V. (2010). Teacher and administrator perceptions of administrative responsibilities for implementing the Jacobs model of curriculum mapping (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

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