Language and the Brain




1.First explain the difference between Broca’s aphasia and
Wernicke’s aphasia, in terms of production and comprehension. Be careful to explain
how these conditions are linked to particular parts of the brain, and the symptoms that
aphasics exhibit. Second, based upon the linguistic characteristics associated with one
of these conditions, create a fictitious dialogue of at least 10 conversational turns (one
conversational turn is when one speaker says something, and the other person
responds) between you and either a Broca’s aphasic or a Wernicke’s aphasic patient.
Following this dialogue, explain how each line of the aphasic’s speech reflects a
symptom of the aphasia that you are exemplifying.
2. Bilingualism: Imagine that you are the leader of a small country with unlimited
resources. This country is monolingual in Language X but you want to make your
population bilingual, speaking both Language X and Language Y. In your essay, explain:
– why you would want to do this in the first place (give the benefits of bilingualism)
– what programs and policies would you institute to ensure future generations are
– why you would institute these specific policies and programs (i.e., explain the evidence
that supports the decisions you make).
– what you would avoid, and what challenges you would face.
4. Guidance on Research and Citations
– For this essay you are required to cite at least 3 different reputable sources, either to
back up a particular set of facts or piece of evidence, or as a source of ideas for your
– The safest and most reputable sources are those which are peer-reviewed academic
sources, like academic journals or publications, but in general you want to find sources
that cite their own sources — meaning you should find sources that include a
bibliography/works cited page
– In general, you cannot cite Wikipedia, but depending on the topic, Wikipedia may be a
good starting point for your research — if Wikipedia cites a source, you can go to that
source and cite it directly
– The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) has an extensive guide to writing that covers
many aspects of the research process. Here is the link to the homepage for their site:
– OWL includes information on finding and evaluating sources, the most important of
which can be found here:
– There may be valid reasons and good justification for citing sources which are not
academic or peer-reviewed, but you are urged to be cautious and take due diligence to
investigate a source before you use information from it and cite it; for example, if you are
writing about Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasias, you might cite public information from
the National Aphasia Association — such information would not be academic, since it is
written for the general public, and may not cite its sources, but it would be safe to
assume the the National Aphasia Association is a reputable source of information on


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