An Analysis of Chinese Bhikshuni Longlian’s Promotion of Gender Equality


An Analysis of Chinese Bhikshuni Longlian’s Promotion of Gender Equality or an Analysis of Chinese Buddhist Philanthropy and Development

Ask yourself the following questions:
Why it is worth studying this research question, why your research is unique, and how it should promote the existing development.
• Why did this study take place
• The specific purpose of the study and the questions it seeks to answer,
The reasons for deciding why research design and methods should be chosen over other options,
The potential impact of your proposed research on the research issue.

Regarding the theoretical framework supporting the research, what may the results mean?
What suggestions may the potential results of the study make for the follow-up study?

Will the results affect the plan, method and/or intervention form?
• How can the results help to solve social, economic or other types of problems?
Will the results affect policy decisions?

What will be improved or changed by the proposed research results?
How will the research results be implemented and what innovations will it bring?



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