Emotional Intelligence Skills


I. Introduction – Explain the purpose of the assignment (keep an uninformed third party in mind).
II. Results – Briefly describe your Emotional Intelligence 2.0 results and provide your scores for each
component using the table below:
Self-Awareness 42
Social Awareness 32
Relationship Management 45
III. Emotional Intelligence Skills
A. Self-Awareness
i. Definition – Provide an explanation of this skill.
ii. Reflection – Discuss your assessment results and share if you agree/disagree and why; be specific and
provide examples.
iii.Strategies – Identify three (3) specific strategies you would like to use to further develop this skill and
how you could implement them.
B. Self-Management
i. Definition – Provide an explanation of this skill.
ii. Reflection – Discuss your assessment results and share if you agree/disagree and why; be specific and
provide examples.
iii.Strategies – Identify three (3) specific strategies you would like to use to further develop this skill and
how you could implement them.
C. Social Awareness
i. Definition – Provide an explanation of this skill.
ii. Reflection – Discuss your assessment results and share if you agree/disagree and why; be specific and
provide examples.

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