Describe the services they provide. Here, also show the roles of other organizations who support this fire department with additional aid (such as hazardous materials response, mutual aid, ambulance assistance, and others).
Outline any trends they have noticed in the way they now do business. This will include any cultural issues that could potentially impact in the way they interact or even trends they see with a specific group within the community.
Explain the training and higher education opportunities provided to or expected of the personnel within the department.
Include an organizational chart for the department being discussed.
Identify the career opportunities within the department.
Discuss any cultural behaviors noted and how it affects the fire service organization.
Discuss one or more of the positions on the organizational chart and the requirements and responsibilities of the position.
List and discuss the four functional areas (Command, Operations, Planning, and Logistics) of the Incident Management Systems (IMS) and what positions (titles) of staff within this department would most likely work in each area.
Discuss the wellness and fitness requirements of the fire department. State whether you feel the fire department has adequate requirements or not. Why, or why not?