Attitudes toward Crime



Conduct your survey among five respondents for determining their attitudes toward crime or the fear of crime.
You do not need to select your respondents randomly; you can use a convenience sample comprised of family, friends, or coworkers.
You also need to submit your 25 questions as part of your assignment.
Enter your survey data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Present your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet as a table in a Microsoft Word document. Click here for instructions on creating a datafile and entering data into Microsoft Excel.
Write your findings for the data gathered through the survey in an appendix to the survey.
Identify where the fear of crime is the highest and where it is the lowest in your survey.
Explain to what do you attribute the variation (or lack of variation) in the fear of crime exhibited in your sample.
Identify the questions you would word differently.
Identify the questions you would add to or drop from your survey if you were to replicate your study.
Explain the limitations of your research.
Discuss the applicability of your findings outside of your 5 person sample.
Name your document SU_MCJ5100_W3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Cite sources in APA format on a separate page.



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