Leadership and strategic planning


In a 2-3 page paper in APA format, use the MORAL Decision-Making model to complete Learning Exercise titled “A Nagging Uneasiness” “15th month old girl” in the course text (Chapter 4, Marquis & Huston, 2021). Incorporate the acronym “Message the dilemma” Break it down and talk about it…Massage the dilemma: Collect data about the ethical problem and who should be involved in the decision making process
Explains the data that needs to be collected about the ethical problem and specifies who should be involved in the decision-making process
Examines and describes own values as the nurse in the case study
Constructs alternatives, and analyzes the causes and consequences of each
Weighs the options against the values of those involved in the decision
Fully develops an implementation strategy. Evaluates the decision


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