Culture and diversity.




A. Define culture and diversity.

B. Identify four aspects of diversity that have influenced your personal identity.

Note: You may use pictures or images to help you illustrate the four aspects of diversity, but images are not required. If you do use them, be sure to cite a source or indicate that you created the image yourself.

1. Choose one of the four aspects of diversity identified in part B and do the following:
a. Explain how one observable characteristic of culture is used to express this aspect of diversity.
b. Explain how one non-observable characteristic of culture is used to express this aspect of diversity.

Note: See the attached “Iceberg Model of Culture” for common characteristics of culture and to identify observable and non-observable categories.

C. Describe a personal experience you had with a person or group of people from a different culture or diversity framework.
1. Explain how a personal or social barrier to diversity was a part of the experience described in part C.
2. Explain how your awareness of diversity has expanded.

D. Identify a key concept or topic in diversity education.
1. Explain why it is important for educators to be knowledgeable about this concept or topic.

E. Discuss three reasons why it is important for educators to continue learning about diversity issues throughout their careers.





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