The Clarity of Painting



How can paintings help awaken our visual senses and awareness? Choose any image you want from any of our readings so far to illustrate your point.
From the section of this week’s reading called “PERCEPTION KEY: Our Visual Powers”, answer ONE of those four questions in at least 100 words . The images referenced in those questions come from past chapters, so I’ve linked you to those chapters here:
PERCEPTION KEY Our Visual Powers

* Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (Figure 3-3). Identify the three major colors Pollock uses in addition to the background. How do these colors establish a sense of visual rhythm? Which of the three colors is most intense? Which most surprising?

* Suzanne Valadon, Reclining Nude (Figure 2-23). Examine the piece of furniture, the sofa, on which Valadon’s nude reclines. What color is it? Why is it an effective con- trast to the nude? What are the designs on the sofa? What color are the lines of the designs? How do they relate to the subject matter of the painting?





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