Athletic setting


For the first professional site summary you review TWO different athletic facilities. Please select organizations from two different divisions: professional/semi-professional, Olympic, collegiate Division I, collegiate Division II, or collegiate Division III.

To best complete this report (2-page minimum), use proper formatting as described in the course style guide, as well as address the topics listed below. Please submit through Canvas as a docx file.
Describe the strength and conditioning facility
Services (fitness testing, nutritional analysis, classes, therapy, etc.)
Physical structure (number of rooms, size, etc.) Include images if helpful
Type of equipment (i.e. resistance machines, treadmills, TRX, resistance bands) used to implement fitness/rehabilitation programs
Describe the practitioner/s that work at this facility: number of staff, titles, certifications (?)
Types of athletes attending the facility

Overall view of the facility:
Describe your impression of the site
What are some outstanding features?
What are some program/facility aspects that you have questions about or think are missing?
Is the facility the type of setting/environment you might see yourself working in as a future movement professional? IF not what sort of practices do you like? Please explain.


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