Equality by Maya Angelou


(10Pts) Is the Artist and Title (in quotation marks) of the work included in the introductory paragraph?
(10Pts) Summarize the student’s main idea (what is it the student is attempting to show or prove about the artist’s intention for the work?). Is the main idea introduced effectively at the beginning of the essay?
(10Pts) Is the essay arranged by idea and element rather than by the sequence of events or details in the work? Does each body paragraph work to support the thesis (or main idea)? If not, make suggestions. For example, if a paragraph or two turns to more summary of idea, instead of analysis, state it, and suggest a way to use analysis of an idea to support thesis.
(10Pts) Does each body paragraph contain ample textual evidence (quotations from the work) to support the claims that the student makes about the work? If not, please make suggestions. For example, where in the paragraph can textual evidence be useful?

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