Rape Culture


Rape Culture has been described as an environment in which rape and/or sexual violence is normalized and/or excused in popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language (this means language directed at the dislike or hatred of girls, women, or things considered as feminine), sexual objectification of other’s bodies without their consent, and the glamorization of sexual violence; thereby creating a society that disregards sexual rights and safety.

Examples of Rape Culture include:

Blaming the victim (“They asked for it”)
Minimizing sexual assault (“It is not “legitimate” rape”)
Jokes about sexual assault
Tolerance of sexual harassment
Inflating false rape report statistics
Publicly scrutinizing a victim’s dress, mental state, motives, and history
Refusing to investigate sexual assault
Scholars have concluded that rape culture effects all genders, races, sexual orientations alike.

Read: Morczek, A. (March/April 2015). The Synergistic Connection Between Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. The Sexual Assault Report, 18(4), 49-50 and 56-59.


Write a reflective paper on Rape Culture.

Your paper should be answered in the following five section format:

Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic, including historical or contemporary context of Rape Culture.

Paragraph 2: Describe at least one way that Rape Culture has impacted your life. You may use this space to reflect on personal behaviors you engage in, mental and emotional health, or personal relationships. Connect this to concepts and/or theories we have gone over in lecture and/or the textbook. End this section with a concluding sentence that reasserts how this evidence helps better understand Rape Culture.

Paragraph 3: Describe at least one way that Rape Culture has impacted the lives of the people around you? You may use this space to reflect on the experiences of friends, family, roommates, or peers. Connect this to concepts and/or theories we have gone over in lecture and/or the textbook. End this section with a concluding sentence that reasserts how this evidence helps better understand Rape Culture.

Paragraph 4: Describe one way that you have seen Rape Culture portrayed in the media. You may use this space to reflect on television, movies, music, comics, video games, sports culture, or reference a specific popular culture event (e.g.) Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc. Connect this to concepts and/or theories we have gone over in lecture and/or the textbook. End this section with a concluding sentence that reasserts how this evidence helps better understand Rape Culture.


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