Ethic Panel – Deliberation


1) critically evaluate and assess the ethical issues entailed in the case;
(2) discuss their process of deliberation to resolve it;
(3) present the decision of the committee; and
(4) offer possible objections to the decision.
(5) the extent to which it is properly written with respect to grammar, style, and substance

Pretend/imagine that
you are a member of the hospital Ethics Committee and your Committee is
reviewing the case below. Specifically, you are charged with identifying
and assessing the moral relevant moral issues of this case and, if
warranted, recommending disciplinary action. Each student will submit a
3-page paper critical discussing the process and outcome of the
Committee’s deliberations (so each student will assume the role of “Lead
Committee Member” whose job it is to prepare a final report of the
Committee’s findings for the hospital administration. You will find
specific grading criteria for this assignment in the course Syllabus;
please review before turning your papers in.

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