A.Lab RequirementsSoftware:Webots &Python


Important you will need to setup webots please follow the instruction provided in the attachment

C.1 Task 1 – Distance (Task + Plot)
Implement a controller called ‘Lab1_Task1.py’. The robot should move in a straight line for “X”
inches at constant velocity. The robot should use the kinematics formulas to move for “X” inches
in “Y” secs and stop based on time, not on readings from position sensors. If the robot cannot
complete the movement in the given amount of time, instead of moving forward, the program
should display an appropriate message. Provide a plot, showing “Distance” vs. “Time”. Distance
should be computed from PositionSensor readings. You can write this data into a file from your
Python console as the simulation runs. During evaluation, the TA will test different values for
“X” and “Y”.
C.2 Task 2 – Orientation (Task + Plot)
Implement the program ‘Lab1_Task2.py’. The robot should rotate “X” degrees and then stop.
The robot should complete the movement in “Y” seconds. The robot should print its IMU
reading to match the “X” rotation. The program should work for any value “X”. If the robot
cannot complete the movement in the given amount of time, the program should display an
appropriate message. Provide a plot, showing “Angle” vs. “Time”. Angle should be computed
from IMU readings. You can write this data into a file from your Python console as the
simulation runs. During evaluation, the TA will test different values for “X” and “Y”.

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