Seek out a current news story, research paper, or white paper (or anything else related to your life as a professional or as a student) and write five (5) public reflections that you can share on LinkedIn. These reflections should: Communicate something original, interesting, and useful to your followers. Follow the pattern we discussed in class: Orientation: What are we talking about? Revelation: What struck you? Conversation: Why should we care? Suit the medium: LinkedIn posts should run no longer than 100 words and include a link to the article under discussion. (Remember, you’re writing a short reflection aimed at generating discussion and reminding people of your presence, not a full-length article.) Compile your reflections into a single Word document and submit through Quercus. I do not expect you to post on LinkedIn, but if you do, be sure to connect with Robert, Jenny, Claudio and others in our class. This is another opportunity for you to demonstrate how well you understand. You only have 100 words, so you need to make your point quickly and clearly. You will ensure your prose exemplifies the principles of economy, detail, directness, and voice. Write in the active voice, eliminate wordiness, remove cliché, and cut the hype. You will want to review my lecture notes on writing public reflections Download lecture notes on writing public reflectionsand strength-based feedback.