Given the following assembly language programming instructions: .data 0 data section valuel: .word 5 value2: .word 10 value3: .word 0
.text .globl main
la $tO, valuel lw $tl, 0 ($tO) la $tO, value2 lw $t2, 0($t0) la $tO, value3 lw $t3, 0($t0)
add $t3, $t1, $t2
# text section
sw $t3, 0($t0) # store word $t3 into 8 ($t0)
Answer the following parts of this question with answers that are between 1 and 5 sentences long. Please do not provide any answers that are more than 5 sentences long: a) Which instruction is using register address mode? b) What are the numeric values contained in the Stl. St2. and St3 registers after the store word instruction is executed? c) Which label is being used as an alias for a RAM memory location that has its contents changed? d) What is the integer value being stored in the RAM memory location that has its contents changed? e) Briefly explain what this program is doing