Black LGBT Youth



You have to do project on Black LGBT Youth and use the book Real life by brandon taylor and use this organization that support Black LGBT Youth that name is that Center for black equity Website:

Organization that supports black LGBT youth :
Center for black equity

Create a project that showcases your LGBTQ youth population. Your project can take whatever
format you choose short story, research proposal, etc. Your project
should communicate the lived experiences and unique identities of your particular population.
Be as creative as you like and be sure the project:
o Reflects or integrates learnings from readings and online resource/organization
o Demonstrates an intersectional lens
o Reflects a depth of thinking
o Includes a separate 1 paragraph description of how your project represents your
population for and additional listing of citation and link or attachment for both the
reading and the online resource/organization.
your project should have 1 paragraph summary


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