Description of a case of real organisation

. Description of a case of real organisation and a real situation they encountered by
gathering information from reliable news sources, social media, annual reports, news releases or other publicly available written materials. Describe the situation in
approximately 750 words demonstrating the dilemma/challenges that the organisation had to overcome using carefully planned communication strategies. This organisation could be a corporation, governmental department, non-profit organisation etc.

Examples of scenarios include organizational changes including merger and acquisition; organizations facing antagonistic community stakeholders, crisis communication, boycott, consumer resistance, (financial) governance and transparency issues, backlashes of corporate social advocacy and CSR, etc. You should tell an “engaging” story with examples of quotes from characters you can gather from news articles or social media with proper citations.

2. Analysis of the case using theory(theories) and/or concept(s) that are most relevant and useful for the organization in the case to resolve the strategic communication challenge they encountered in approximately 750 words. Be decisive and select at least three theories you have learned in this module to focus on unless you have consulted the instructor and get approval for using another social science theory.

Here are Class Theories/Concepts to choose for the case (Choose at least 3 theories to connect with the case)

– Theories of PR management & crisis: Contingency Theory, Situational Crisis
Communication Theory, Community Engagement, Social Impact, Social Impact Assessments (SIAs)

– Theories for audience analysis: Situational Theory of Publics, Situational Theory of
Problem Solving

– Theories of message construction: Rhetoric, News Values

– Concepts in corporate communication: Corporate social advocacy (CSR), Social license to operate (SLO)


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